Natalia Magliano FloraMata – Concert & Singing – Argentina

FlorMata Concert & Singing Argentina CIRCLE’S SPIRIT SING Célébration rythmique, Duré : 1 heure Connecter la voix et le rythme qui est la pierre angulaire de l’être musicale, il facilite l’organisation dans l’espace du jeu et du plaisir créant la structure d’une expression plaine d’énergie et joie. Un langage communautaire nous réunis à travers le…

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Nicole – The Art of Voice – Germany

Nicole The art of voice Germany A workshop for exploring your voice and connecting more deeply with your sound through meditation, vocal dynamics, and movement. Your voice is the instrument of your soul, and your body is the temple in which it resides. Your voice expresses all our emotions, thoughts, ideas, and entire being. In…

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Greta – Oriental Beats – Luxembourg

Greta Oriental Beats Luxembourg I have two lives: before and after belly dancing. From the moment I saw my teacher’s dance I felt so in love with her snaky movements, after few months of practice my body had already switched from being “hard” to extremely soft, nearly melted: the new me was born and she…

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Kelly Aura – Concert, Yin Yoga and Singing Circle – France

Kelly Aura Concert, Yin Yoga and Singing Circle France Kelly Aura is a french singer, vocal alchemist, multi-instrumentalist, sacred dance facilitator and yoga teacher (Yin and Vinyasa). She combines medicine music, mantras and free singing to connect with our higher self and open our heart. She leads kirtans in Europe since 2017. Her music is…

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Manhoso – Capoeira – Luxembourg

Manhoso Capoeira Luxembourg Avec la capoeira, vous pouvez voler haut. Pourquoi ? Parce que la capoeira est un sport et un art complet. Littéralement, vous apprenez des mouvements acrobatiques qui vous font décoller les pieds du sol et sauter très haut. Cependant, la capoeira va bien au-delà de ses coups. Le capoeiriste apprend à se…

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